Automation is our passion

Nexus Automation. Limitless possibilities. to Explore World.

Becoming the most valuable provider of core components and solutions for industrial automation

Tapping Intelligence Through Talent.

We believe that every day, automation can help people be more productive and improve the quality of their lives. We are currently focused on improving industrial automation, where tasks are carried out using a series of steps. There is huge opportunity here and we’re just getting started

Intelligent NEXUS Innovative Future
Innovation – Honesty – Service


Our Company by Number

They Trust Us

Every successful business starts and ends with trust. Having your customers’ trust allows you to build long term relationships with them. THey are able to promote and market your product in a positive way, and they treat your product as a reliable and valuable tool. Trust is the most important ingredient for success.


Years Experience


Happy Client


Project Done


Award Won

Our Value

The power of applied Automation


Nexus Automation is a company that aims to provide automation services and solutions to our clients. The spirit behind this objective is the conviction that Machine can be used to automate tasks—eliminating the need for human intervention and making our lives easier.


Nexus Automation are really pumped about automation. It's our main thing, and we think it's going to be changing the world in the next ten years in even bigger ways than it has so far. We're working hard to make that happen.


Nexus Automation is your "one stop" for cost effective solutions to all your automation needs. We know that in today's rapidly changing market you need to get the newest and best equipment to stay ahead of the curve. At Nexus Automation we work with you to provide the best products, training and support at very competitive prices.


Meet the Team

We are intelligence in action.

We don’t have face, we are known by our product and services. So when u get hands on our quality service your thought will be why should i go with any other company. Nexus automation is a Automation product based company, there are no face of our company but our product.

Team Nexus

Founder & CEO

Authorized Distributor